On AVE (high-speed), AVE (high-speed) International between Spain and France, Alvia, Euromed and Intercity trains, the terms and conditions for cancellation will depend on the type of ticket (Básico, Elige or Prémium) you have purchased:
- Básico tickets do not allow changes or cancellations.
- Elige and Elige Confort tickets allow cancellations, in which case we refund 70% of the amount. You can upgrade your journey by purchasing, for an extra cost, the full refund add-on which allows you to recover the full amount of your ticket if you cancel up to 7 days before departure or 95% within 6 calendar days.
- Prémium tickets include the full refund add-on.
If you are outside Spain, without access to the usual Renfe channels, please take into account the following to request the cancellation of your tickets:
- tickets issued by Renfe cannot be cancelled at points of sale of a different network.
- tickets purchased at the Renfe website can also be cancelled online.
- for tickets paid by credit card or PayPal and downloaded in a PDF file, call Renfe Contigo on (+34) 912 320 320.
Avant (mid-distance high-speed), Media Distancia (mid-distance), Cercanías (Suburban) and Rodalies (Commuter) trains:
- As a general condition, 15% of the price of the cancelled ticket will be deducted as a cancellation fee.
- On Avant (mid-distance high-speed) and Media Distancia (mid-distance) services, in the case of return fares each of the tickets may be cancelled individually, with a cost of 40% of the cancelled ticket. If both legs are cancelled at the same time, the cancellation fee is 15% of the price of the cancelled ticket.
- Tickets for Cercanías (Suburban) and Rodalies (Commuter) services may only be cancelled within two hours of purchase.