Renfe Viajeros shall be liable to you as the CUSTOMER in accordance with the obligations of the former regarding its management of the trip, with the correct compliance of the obligations arising from the contract, regardless of whether those obligations are to be executed by Renfe Viajeros or other service providers and without prejudice to the right of Renfe Viajeros to act against those service providers.

The liability of Renfe Viajeros shall cease, as the result of the non-execution or defective execution of the contract, in any of the following circumstances:

  • The defects are attributable to you as the CUSTOMER.
  • They are attributable to a third party, beyond the supply of the provisions envisaged herein and when the circumstances are unforeseeable or insurmountable.
  • They are due to force majeure.
  • The damages are due to an event that Renfe Viajeros, despite having exercised all the due diligence, could not have foreseen or overcome.

The compensation for the damages, where applicable, for failure or improper performance of the services, shall be limited to what is envisaged in current national legislation.

Renfe Viajeros shall not be liable to third parties, due to you as the CUSTOMER failing to comply with your obligations, except when expressly indicated in the regulation applicable to the case.


Language, total and complete agreement, applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The version in Spanish shall prevail in the case of any dispute relating to the wording of the documents linked to the contracting of the Tourist Train services and arising from the translation of those documents into another language.

These terms and conditions, along with the catalogues, budgets and other material generated for the CUSTOMER to contact the Tourist train products are the binding total and complete agreement between the parties.

The contracting of the tourist products shall be governed by the terms and conditions established herein and, subsidiarily (and when not envisaged or contradicting the above) by the specific provisions contained in the catalogues, quotes and other material generated between the parties to contract the trips. Unless expressly agreed, Spanish legislation shall be applicable.

Any concerns or differences arising from the application or interpretation of the contracting terms and conditions shall be settled as mutually agreed by the Parties.

Should that agreement not be reach during the dispute negotiations, both parties hereby agree to submit it to the competent Courts and Tribunals of the City of Madrid and expressly waive any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled.