Code of Ethics

The Renfe Group has a Code of Ethics which, taking as a reference the United Nations Global Compact and the main international guidelines and principles on transparency and good governance, establishes the general guidelines of action for all members of the Organisation in the performance of their professional activity.

Code of Ethics Committee

The Renfe Group has set up a Code of Ethics Committee made up of ten (10) members appointed by Renfe's Board of Directors, all of whom are members and two of whom will act as Chairman and Secretary respectively.

Representatives of the Renfe Group's stakeholders may attend the meetings of the Code of Ethics Committee, depending on the issues to be discussed, and provided that it is understood that this collaboration is necessary for the correct performance of their functions.

The main functions of the Code of Ethics Committee include the following:

Whistleblower channel

The Renfe Group offers its stakeholders a confidential communication channel ( which allows the communication of queries, possible irregular conduct or any breach of the rules contained in its Code of Ethics.

The Renfe Group's Code of Ethics Committee manages queries and investigates potential breaches of the Code of Ethics, under a commitment to strict confidentiality.

To make a commercial complaint, the Whistleblower Channel is not the official channel to file a complaint. For this purpose, the Renfe Group has an Atención al Cliente (Customer Service) department where complaints can be submitted or information requested using the form and the information telephone numbers provided for this purpose.

Compliance model

The Renfe Group provides its services with a clear focus on the customer and always with criteria of quality, efficiency and innovation, as well as ethics and compliance, as explicitly stated in the mission, vision and values established in the organisation's Code of Ethics.

It is for this reason that the Board of Directors, since 2013, has championed and approved a number of milestones in the Renfe Group the main objective of which is to create and transmit a real internal culture of compliance and risk management.

By way of example, we mention the following:

  • Creation of the Internal Audit and Compliance Department.
  • Constitution of Audit and Control Committees and approval of their Operating Rules.
  • Code of Ethics: Whistleblower Channel and Code of Ethics Commission.
  • Approval of the "Risk Control and Management Policy".

As a continuation of the previous milestones and in line with the commitments of our Code of Ethics, the Renfe Group intends to reinforce its desire to comply with the values demanded by our society in relation to honesty, transparency and strict observance of the law with the approval in 2018 of a "Regulatory Compliance and Criminal Regulatory Compliance Policy" and a Corporate Criminal Risk Prevention Organisation and Management Model.

These works fall within the scope of the Renfe Group's Good Corporate Governance with the aim of transmitting both to its workers and to the stakeholders with which the Renfe Group has relationships, its absolute rejection of and contempt for the committing of any type of wrongdoing or non-compliance with internal or external regulations, or with its ethical values. Specifically, the Board of Directors is intent on working on the prevention, detection and immediate rectification of any possible illegal activity, instilling and transmitting a true corporate culture of ethics, compliance, integrity and honesty.

We are convinced that the effort made by everybody to develop its values will help it to be a more successful company and to create more value, while at the same time making it worthy of the utmost trust from its customers, as well as of society as a whole.