
Raül Blanco Díaz

Chairman of the State-Owned Company Renfe - Operadora (Renfe-Operator) and of the state-owned mercantile companies Renfe Viajeros (Renfe Passengers), Renfe Mercancías, (Renfe Freight), Renfe Fabricación y Mantenimiento (Renfe Manufacturing and Maintenance) and Renfe Alquiler de Material Ferroviario (Renfe Rolling Stock Hire).

Degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona and Postgraduate in Local and Regional Development from the University of Barcelona, Postgraduate in Financial English from the University Pompeu Fabra - British Council.

He was currently General Manager of the Fundación Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI). Previously, Blanco was Secretary General for Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) at the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism since June 2018 and until last December.

Previously, he was Director of Economic Development and Employment at L'Hospitalet de Llobregat City Council, Manager of Industrial Strategy at the Generalitat de Catalunya's Directorate General of Industry and Head of the Research and Publication Service of CIDEM, Department of Labour and Industry of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

In the field of teaching, he has taught at the Centre for International Studies of the University of Barcelona and at the Faculties of Economics and Business of the University of Rovira i Virgili and the University of Barcelona. He has also participated in courses and seminars in other national and international centres.

Management Team

Sergio Bueno

Director General Adjunto a Presidencia, Estrategia y Relaciones Institucionales

Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Granada, Máster en Derecho Constitucional de la Unión Europea y experto en Derecho Laboral y de la Seguridad Social. Cuenta con una dilatada experiencia en formación jurídica, actividad institucional, sector público y sector financiero.

Hasta hoy era el gerente del Área de Relaciones Institucionales de Renfe.

Durante toda su trayectoria, Sergio Bueno ha sido alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Santa Fe (Granada) durante 11 años, presidente del Consorcio Vega Sierra-Elvira y director de Gabinete del secretario de Estado de Relaciones con las Cortes y Asuntos Constitucionales del Ministerio de la Presidencia. Fue consejero general de la antigua Caja de Ahorros de Granada, consejero de la Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre - Real Casa de la Moneda y ha ejercido como letrado del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Granada en las ramas de Derecho Público y Derecho de Empresa.


Óscar Gómez Barbero

General Manager of Business and Operations

Óscar holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Deusto and has extensive experience in the public and private sectors.

He has worked for different railway companies in the public sector, holding the positions of Director of Operations, Director of Human Resources and Managing Director of Ferrocarriles Vascos, as well as Corporate Director of Information Systems at Renfe. In the private sector, he has held the positions of Chairman, CEO, Managing Director and partner in large and multinational corporations, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), IBM, Grupo Prisa and Ernst & Young.

Prior to his appointment, he served as CEO of LogiRAIL.


Lucas Calzado

Director general de Organización y Talento

Licenciado en Derecho y Programa de Dirección General en el IESE Business School - University of Navarra. Formado en internacionalización de la empresa por ICEX, Digitalización en el sector productivo por Telefónica ED y Experiencia de Cliente por EOI.

Cuenta con una amplia experiencia en Renfe donde ha ocupado diversos puestos, entre ellos como director de Cercanías Madrid o director de Tecnología y Sistemas, así como director de Viajeros Urbanos e Interurbanos y gerente de área de Estaciones. Hasta su nombramiento era el director de Formación.


Teresa Torres Torres

Director General Economics and Finance.

Economist, with extensive experience and a long career in finance and management control.

She has been Finance Director in various private and public companies.

In the public sector she has been responsible for financial management, management control, auditing, both private and public, and relations with government and European auditors.

In the banking sector, she worked as a risk analyst, corporate finance (venture capital for tech start-ups and innovative companies as well as conventional finance), in both private and public banking.


Manel Villalante i Llauradó

Director General of Development and Strategy of the Renfe – Operadora (Renfe – Operator) State-Owned Company.

Industrial engineer, and since 2012 Director of Mobility and Transport Infrastructure at Barcelona Regional Agencia de Desarrollo Urbano (Barcelona Regional Urban Development Agency).

With more than 30 years of experience in mobility, infrastructure and transport, he has been, among other things, Director General of Land Transport in the Catalan Regional Government, Director General of Land Transport in the Ministry of Public Works and held various management positions at Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) between 2004 and 2007 and at Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) between 2000 and 2004.

He has also been a member of various boards of directors, such as Renfe Operadora, TMB, FGC and Consorci Sagrera Alta Velocidad.

He currently manages the postgraduate in "Smart Mobility: Intelligent Transport Systems" at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and has been Professor of Planning and Transport Economics at the same university.

Joaquim Hortalà i Vallvé

Secretary General and of the Board of Directors of the Renfe – Operadora (Renfe – Operator) State-Owned Company.

Cuenta con 20 años de servicio como abogado del Estado, donde ha desempeñado una importantísima labor al frente de la asesoría jurídica del Ministerio de Transportes, la Generalitat de Catalunya, la Audiencia Nacional, la Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC), donde fue director de la asesoría jurídica y secretario del Consejo, Abogacía del Estado ante los Juzgados Centrales de lo Contencioso Administrativo o el FROB, puesto anterior en el que desempeñó las funciones de director jurídico de la Autoridad de Resolución Ejecutiva.

Inmaculada Gutiérrez Carrizo

General Manager of International Projects of the Renfe Group

She is also a member of the Board of Directors of Elipsos.

Inmaculada has extensive professional experience in the public and private sectors. She has worked for the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and held different senior positions related to economic policy, intellectual property, competition and anti-trust regulations and the elimination of trade barriers. Moreover, she has been appointed to different positions in anti-trust, regulatory and intellectual property institutions and has published numerous articles on these matters. She also held the position of Commercial Attaché of the Spanish Embassy for the Southeast United States from 2014 to 2019. Her in-depth understanding of economic tools for market analysis led her to develop her professional career in US economic consulting firms, providing advice to clients in sectors as diverse as retail, finance (credit cards), energy, telecommunications or infrastructures and participating as an expert in litigation cases.

Inmaculada actively participates in the development and management of non-profit organisations that help people with intellectual disabilities, in particular, children with autism spectrum disorder.

Inmaculada Gutiérrez holds a degree in Economic Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and became an official Economist and Trade Expert of the Spanish government in 1992.

Diego Crescente de Antonio

Director of Communications, Brand and Public Relations.

Inició su carrera profesional en 2001, en el campo de las relaciones institucionales y la comunicación, donde desempeñó diversos cargos en Presidencia de Gobierno, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación y el Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio. Desde 2012 desarrolló su carrera profesional en el ámbito de los asuntos públicos y la comunicación estratégica en el sector privado. Crescente estuvo en NITID nueve años, entre 2013 y 2021. También trabajó como analista internacional para diversos medios de comunicación y ha sido ponente en instituciones educativas y programas de posgrado.

Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid cuenta con un Máster en Derecho Europeo en la misma universidad y un Máster en Dirección de Comunicación Corporativa e Institucional por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Posteriormente, estudió un posgrado en Inteligencia Económica en la Universidad Pontificia Comillas, y actualmente doctorando en Derecho Europeo en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Sonia Araujo López

General Manager of Renfe Viajeros S.A.

Civil Engineer from Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Madrid, Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention. From September 2019 to August 2020, she was Director of the Business Area of AVE and other Commercial Services, and from September 2018 to August 2019, she was Director of Business Monitoring and Digital Transformation of the General Operations Department. Previously, she worked in systems management at Renfe and in various consultancies, IBM, PwC and Soluziona.


Joaquín del Moral Salcedo

General Manager of Renfe Mercancías, S.A.

He has a degree in Naval Engineering from the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of A Coruña.

He was Director General of Land Transport at the Ministerio de Fomento from January 2012 to July 2018.

He has also been a director of Renfe Viajeros (Renfe Passengers) and Renfe Mercancías (Renfe Freight), between February 2014 and June 2015. In the Ministerio de Fomento, he has held the position of Deputy Director General of Inspection before International Organisations of the General Directorate of Transport, between June 2008 and January 2012, among other positions.

He was appointed to the position in September 2018.

Francisco Javier Bujedo Mediavilla

General Manager of Renfe Fabricación y Mantenimiento S.A. (Manufacturing and Maintenance)

Academic background, Industrial Engineer from the School of Industrial Engineers of Bilbao, Industrial Technical Engineer from the Industrial Technical School of Santander.

At Renfe, he has held, among other positions, the positions of director of Freight Services in the Manufacturing and Maintenance Dept., director of Rolling Stock in the Freight and Logistics Services Dept., technical director of Rolling Stock in the Freight and Logistics Dept., or director of Rolling Stock in the B.U. for Grandes Líneas (Main Lines).

In his experience outside the group he has been general director of Irvia Mantenimiento Ferroviario.

From 2014 to 2019 he held the position of Area Manager for Rolling Stock and Business Development at Renfe Alquiler de Material Ferroviario (Renfe Rolling Stock Hire).

He has held the position since February 2019.

Mª del Carmen Rincón Córcoles

General Manager of Renfe Alquiler de Material Ferroviario S.A.

She holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid. She has developed her professional career at Renfe, Adif and Renfe and has held various positions of responsibility in management control, administration and purchasing, both in the Commercial Stations Business Unit of Adif and in the General Management of Renfe Mercancías. She has been head of Management Control and Procurement at Renfe Mercancías since April 2008. She has also worked as a director in companies such as Emfesa S.A, Alfil Logistics S.A, Combiberia S.A. and RailSider Logística Ferroviaria S.A..