
Álvaro Fernández Heredia

President of the Public Business Entity Renfe - Operadora and of the state-owned trading companies Renfe Viajeros, Renfe Mercancías, Renfe Ingeniería y Mantenimiento and Renfe Alquiler de Material Ferroviario.

Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos y Doctor en Infraestructuras de los Transportes por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Hasta ahora, ostentaba el cargo de secretario general de Movilidad Sostenible del Ministerio

Cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia profesional en el sector de la movilidad y el transporte y ha desarrollado su actividad en consultoría, investigación y docencia universitaria, asumiendo puestos de gestión a distintos niveles.

En la Universidad, ha sido profesor de Planificación del Transporte y director del Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Ha sido investigador en el Centro de Investigación del Transporte, investigador invitado en el Politécnico di Torino y profesor visitante en la University of the West of England.

En la administración pública, durante cuatro años fue director gerente de la Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid (EMT) y, posteriormente, durante otros cuatro años, director de Autobuses Urbanos de Valladolid (AUVASA). Además, es vocal del Consejo Asesor del Ministerio de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible de España, miembro Comité Europeo de la Unión Internacional de Transporte Público y Vocal del Comité Ejecutivo de la Asociación de Transporte Urbano Colectivo.

Por último, reseñar que ha realizado más de 30 publicaciones en revistas científicas y libros relacionados con la movilidad.

Management Team

Sergio Bueno

Deputy Director General of the Chair's Office, Strategy and Institutional Relations

With a degree in Law from the University of Granada and a Master's degree in Constitutional Law of the European Union, he is an expert in Labour and Social Security Law with extensive experience in legal training, institutional activity, the public sector and the financial sector.

He was previously manager of Renfe's Institutional Relations Division.

During his career, Sergio Bueno has been mayor of the Municipal Council of Santa Fe (Granada) for 11 years, chairman of the Vega Sierra-Elvira Consortium and director of the Office of the Secretary of State for Relations with the Courts and Constitutional Affairs of the Ministry of the Presidency. He was general counsel for the former Caja de Ahorros de Granada, counsel for the Royal Spanish Mint (Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre - Real Casa de la Moneda), and a barrister of the Granada Bar Association specialising in the branches of Public Law and Business Law.


Óscar Gómez Barbero

General Manager of Business and Operations

Óscar holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Deusto and has extensive experience in the public and private sectors.

He has worked for different railway companies in the public sector, holding the positions of Director of Operations, Director of Human Resources and Managing Director of Ferrocarriles Vascos, as well as Corporate Director of Information Systems at Renfe. In the private sector, he has held the positions of Chairman, CEO, Managing Director and partner in large and multinational corporations, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), IBM, Grupo Prisa and Ernst & Young.

Prior to his appointment, he served as CEO of LogiRAIL.


Lucas Calzado

General Director of Organisation and Talent

Degree in Law and General Management Programme at IESE Business School - University of Navarra. Training in business internationalisation at ICEX, digitalisation in the production sector at Telefónica ED and customer experience at EOI.

He has extensive experience at Renfe, having held positions such as director of Madrid Commuter Services, director of Technology and Systems, director of Metropolitan and Inter-City Passengers and manager of the Stations Division. Until his appointment he was the director of Training.


Teresa Torres Torres

Director General Economics and Finance.

Economist, with extensive experience and a long career in finance and management control.

She has been Finance Director in various private and public companies.

In the public sector she has been responsible for financial management, management control, auditing, both private and public, and relations with government and European auditors.

In the banking sector, she worked as a risk analyst, corporate finance (venture capital for tech start-ups and innovative companies as well as conventional finance), in both private and public banking.


Sonia Araujo López

General Director of Innovation, Sustainability and Digital Transformation

Degree in Civil Engineering from Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Madrid and a Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention. She was previously the manager of Renfe Viajeros (Renfe Passengers), director of the AVE (High-Speed) and Commercial Services Division and director of Business Monitoring and Digital Transformation. Prior to that, she worked at a variety of consultancy firms, including IBM, PwC and Soluziona.


Joaquim Hortalà i Vallvé

Secretary General and of the Board of Directors of the Renfe – Operadora (Renfe – Operator) State-Owned Company.

He has 20 years of service as a state lawyer, in the capacity of which he has carried out important work as the head of legal advice to Ministry of Transport, the Generalitat de Catalunya, the National High Court, the National Commission on Markets and Competition (CNMC), where he was director of the legal department and secretary of the board, and state counsel before the Central Courts for Contentious Administrative Proceedings. Prior to taking up this position, he was legal director of the Executive Resolution Authority at the FROB.


Inmaculada Gutiérrez Carrizo

General Manager of International Projects of the Renfe Group

She is also a member of the Board of Directors of Elipsos.

Inmaculada has extensive professional experience in the public and private sectors. She has worked for the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and held different senior positions related to economic policy, intellectual property, competition and anti-trust regulations and the elimination of trade barriers. Moreover, she has been appointed to different positions in anti-trust, regulatory and intellectual property institutions and has published numerous articles on these matters. She also held the position of Commercial Attaché of the Spanish Embassy for the Southeast United States from 2014 to 2019. Her in-depth understanding of economic tools for market analysis led her to develop her professional career in US economic consulting firms, providing advice to clients in sectors as diverse as retail, finance (credit cards), energy, telecommunications or infrastructures and participating as an expert in litigation cases.

Inmaculada actively participates in the development and management of non-profit organisations that help people with intellectual disabilities, in particular, children with autism spectrum disorder.

Inmaculada Gutiérrez holds a degree in Economic Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and became an official Economist and Trade Expert of the Spanish government in 1992.

Diego Crescente de Antonio

Director of Communications, Brand and Public Relations.

He began his professional career in 2001, in the field of institutional relations and communication, where he held various positions in the Presidency of the Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade. Since 2012 he has developed his professional career in the field of public affairs and strategic communication in the private sector. Crescente was at NITID for nine years, between 2013 and 2021. He also worked as an international analyst for various media outlets and has been a speaker at educational institutions and graduate programmes.

He holds a degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, a Master's Degree in European Law from the same university and a Master's Degree in Corporate and Institutional Communication Management from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Subsequently, he studied a postgraduate degree in Economic Intelligence at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas and is currently a PhD candidate in European Law at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


Rafael Cortés

General Manager of Renfe Viajeros.

A civil engineer with a Master's degree in Business Management, Rafael Cortés has extensive managerial experience in the public passenger transport sector. He has also had a long career as a lecturer at different universities and business schools.


Joaquín del Moral Salcedo

General Manager of Renfe Mercancías, S.A.

He has a degree in Naval Engineering from the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of A Coruña.

He was Director General of Land Transport at the Ministerio de Fomento from January 2012 to July 2018.

He has also been a director of Renfe Viajeros (Renfe Passengers) and Renfe Mercancías (Renfe Freight), between February 2014 and June 2015. In the Ministerio de Fomento, he has held the position of Deputy Director General of Inspection before International Organisations of the General Directorate of Transport, between June 2008 and January 2012, among other positions.

He was appointed to the position in September 2018.

Luis Manuel Suárez

General Manager of Renfe Ingeniería y Mantenimiento S.A.

Industrial engineer, career civil servant of the State Corps of Industrial Engineers, senior technician in Occupational Risk Prevention, accredited with the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. With extensive experience in industrial policy and connected industry, Suárez has worked at the Ministry of Industry since 2016. Before that, he worked in the private sector, always linked to large industrial and construction projects, at OHL and Fiaga, for example.

Luis Manuel Suárez joins Renfe Ingeniería y Mantenimiento with the aim of improving the full range of production processes, using digitalisation as a basic lever. The new high-speed trains and public services, all of which currently use cutting-edge technology, should serve as the lever to restructure Renfe's industrial area across mainland Spain, creating direct and indirect jobs. Moreover, it will be linked directly to the most innovative projects of Spanish train manufacturers.

Mª del Carmen Rincón Córcoles

General Manager of Renfe Alquiler de Material Ferroviario S.A.

She holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid. She has developed her professional career at Renfe, Adif and Renfe and has held various positions of responsibility in management control, administration and purchasing, both in the Commercial Stations Business Unit of Adif and in the General Management of Renfe Mercancías. She has been head of Management Control and Procurement at Renfe Mercancías since April 2008. She has also worked as a director in companies such as Emfesa S.A, Alfil Logistics S.A, Combiberia S.A. and RailSider Logística Ferroviaria S.A..