Pecovasa accessibility statement 


Accessibility Policy


Pecovasa is committed to providing an accessible website, offering a series of useful content and functionalities and that allows access by as many users as possible, including people with disabilities and the elderly.

In adapting the Web Accessibility criteria, we have used the following standard as a reference: UNE standard 139803:2004 "Computer applications for people with disabilities. Accessibility requirements online content". A full Accessibility assessment is performed periodically to ensure alignment with this standard.

A number of measures have been taken in the construction of the Pecovasa website with a view to improving its accessibility. This entails a number of advantages, such as:

  • Facilitating access to users regardless of their physical condition or environment.
  • Allowing access with different user agents.
  • Including clear, well-structured content.
  • Improving the browsing and user experience.

The measures taken include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Use of CSS for the presentation of information.
  • Structural marking that allows proper browsing.
  • Descriptive link texts for your destination.
  • Text with a font size adapted to the user's preferences or needs.

Furthermore, some sections and elements on the portal, on account of their technical complexity, have not yet been adapted in line with the Accessibility measures adopted.

  • Accessibility in PDF documents: Compliance with the basic accessibility requirements are not guaranteed in certain PDF documents already on the Pecovasa website.
  • Management Applications.

However, Pecovasa undertakes to continue working to resolve all possible aspects that could hinder access to certain website content as soon as possible.