In 2019 we bought 2.5 Twh of green electric power (with Certificates of Origin Guarantee), for the traction energy of all our electric vehicles, which is 80% of our traffic. This has made Renfe the top end consumer of renewable energy in Spain (with more than 2.6% of the total electrical renewable energy consumed in our country) and will make it possible to reduce CO2 by more than 7 million tons in the entire rail network on which we operate by 2030.
Some of our trains consume diesel fuel (around 20% of our traffic). We are looking for an alternative, working on its progressive replacement with cleaner energies (Liquefied Natural Gas), or free of local pollution and greenhouse effect (hydrogen stack).
In addition to our trains, we promote the purchase of "green" energy and the production of renewable energies in our facilities.
Renewable electricity generation is between 35 and 45%, depending on the year, so having a portion of that quota for rail use would put the railway at 73.6% of total decarbonisation.
Efficient driving is a top priority in the daily activity of our 5,200 drivers, with up to a 30% saving in consumption.
The use of regenerative braking, an energy generating technology by which the motor, when braking, enables some trains to return from 6% to 10% of the energy employed on Alta Velocidad lines, and up to 40% on Cercanías trains, to the grid.
The other key is the trains. The fleet was renewed prioritising the maximisation of performance with minimal energy consumption. Trains incorporate efficient driving systems integrated into automatic driving modes.
The advantages in terms of the environmental sustainability of rail travel in fighting climate change may be even greater, which is why Renfe has teamed up with Adif and Adif Alta Velocidad to promote the Master Plan to combat Climate Change. This plan is structured in 4 strategic lines: energy management, energy efficiency, decarbonisation and culture. We can summarise this in one huge commitment: reduce 9.9 million tonnes of Co2 by 2030 and save more than 250 million euros in external costs.