Aimed at students and employees of the Autonomous University of Cantoblanco, Universidad Carlos III of Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and students of the University of Alcalá de Henares.
Unlimited travel for three calendar months on chosen routes.
You can choose any Cercanías Madrid route, provided that the origin or destination is Alcalá de Henares, Cantoblanco Universidad, Móstoles, Móstoles-El Soto, Alcorcón, Vicálvaro, Fuenlabrada, Leganés, Las Margaritas Universidad, Villalba or La Navata.
Validity: 1 quarter (October-December/January-March/April-June extended until 15 July).
It is single-person, personalised and non-transferable
Our fares
(*) On journeys between the C-9 Cercedilla-Cotos line (Green Zone) and the other lines of the Madrid Cercanías hub, including the inland routes to Line C-9, the defined price for the pass is the same as that for the 7 zones.