Films and music on board

Enjoy these services, free of charge, on all AVE (high-speed) and AVE International between Spain and France trains, and on most Larga Distancia (Long Distance) trains, for all ticket types.

Most of our trains feature displays on which films, series and documentaries are played during the trip. All content is subtitled and offers the option to listen to it in the original version. The list of programs is renewed every month and adapted according to the length of the journey.

You can control the audio and video channels from your seat. And listen to the music of your choice or watch a film on board with the headphones that are given to all passengers for free.


The magazine for passengers who love travelling by train. The Club Más Renfe magazine tracks the latest happenings at each Renfe destination every month. Itineraries, leisure options, gastronomy and art, meaning that you don´t miss out on anything on your trip, especially not inspiration.