Madrid - Málaga - Madrid trains. Until 13 December 2025.

Madrid - Málaga trains

  • Train 2082, departs from Madrid at 08:30 and arrives in Málaga at 11:12. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Sundays.
  • Train 2112, departs from Madrid at 11:35 and arrives in Málaga at 14:23. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays.
  • Train 2152, departs from Madrid at 15:35 hours and arrives in Malaga at 18:17 hours. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 2162, departs from Madrid at 16:35 and arrives in Málaga at 19:45. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.

Málaga - Madrid trains

  • Train 2093, departs from Malaga at 09:32 and arrives in Madrid at 12:42. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays.
  • Train 2123, departs from Malaga at 11:56 and arrives in Madrid at 14:50). The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 2153, departs from Málaga at 14:58 and arrives in Madrid at 17:42. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays.
  • Train 2203, departs from Málaga at 20:05 and arrives in Madrid at 23:04. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.

Madrid - Alicante - Madrid trains. Until 31 December 2025. 

Madrid – Alicante Trains: 

  • Train 5072, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 07:00 and arrives in Alicante at 09:35. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Sundays.
  • Train 5092, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 09:00 and arrives in Alicante at 11:29. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Train 5102, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 09:45 and arrives in Alicante at 12:10. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays.
  • Train 5142, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 14:00 and arrives in Alicante at 16:28. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Train 5152, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 15:00 and arrives in Alicante at 17:17. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays.
  • Train 5182, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 18:00 and arrives in Alicante at 20:24. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 5192, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 19:45 and arrives in Alicante at 20:20. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, provided that trains are running.

Alicante/Alacant - Madrid Trains:

  • Train 5083, departs from Alicante/Alacant at 08:35 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 11:08. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Sundays.
  • Train 5093, departs from Alicante/Alacant at 09:40 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 12:08. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 5113, departs from Alicante/Alacant at 12:45 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 15:08. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 5143, departs from Alicante/Alacant at 14:35 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 17:08. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 5153, departs from Alicante/Alacant at 16:05 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 18:38. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays.
  • Train 5193, departs from Alicante/Alacant at 18:50 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 21:08. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) on Fridays and Sundays.
  • Train 5203, departs from Alicante/Alacant at 19:45 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 22:08. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays.

Madrid - Valencia - Madrid trains. Until 31 December 2025.

Madrid - Valencia trains: 

  • Train 5070, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 07:30 and arrives at València Joaquín Sorolla at 09:30. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Train 5080, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 08:30 and arrives at València Joaquín Sorolla at 10:24. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog of up to 40 kg on Sundays.
  • Train 5110, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 11:30 and arrives at València Joaquín Sorolla at 13:24. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Train 5120, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 12:30 and arrives at València Joaquín Sorolla at 14:34. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 5160, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 16:30 and arrives at València Joaquín Sorolla at 18:24. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays.
  • Train 5180, departs from Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 18:30 and arrives at València Joaquín Sorolla at 20:24. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.

Madrid - Valencia trains: 

  • Train 5081, departs from València Joaquín Sorolla at 08:42 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 10:38. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Sundays.
  • Train 5131, departs from València Joaquín Sorolla at 13:31 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 15:38. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 5161, departs from València Joaquín Sorolla at 16:35 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 18:38. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 5181, departs from València Joaquín Sorolla at 18:31 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 20:38. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 5191, departs from València Joaquín Sorolla at 19:42 and arrives at Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor at 21:38. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Saturdays.

Trains Madrid - Granada - Madrid. Period until December 12, 2025.

Madrid - Granada trains

  • Train 2076, departs from Madrid at 07:05 and arrives in Granada at 11:06. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 2196, departs from Madrid at 20:05 and arrives in Granada at 23:28. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.

Granada - Madrid trains

  • Train 2077, departs from Granada at 06:55 and arrives in Madrid at 10:32. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 2197, leaves Granada at 6:15 p.m. and arrives in Madrid at 9:59 p.m. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.

Madrid - Seville - Madrid trains. Until 13 December 2025.

Madrid - Seville trains

  • Train 2080, departs from Madrid at 08:00 and arrives in Seville at 10:43. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Sundays.
  • Train 2130, leaves Madrid at 1:00 p.m. and arrives in Seville at 3:43 p.m. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 2180, leaves Madrid at 6:00 p.m. and arrives in Seville at 8:43 p.m. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.

Seville - Madrid trains

  • Train 2081, departs from Seville at 08:32 and arrives in Madrid at 11:16. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week, except for Sundays.
  • Train 2141, departs from Seville at 14:30 and arrives in Madrid at 17:12. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.
  • Train 2191, departs from Seville at 19:33 and arrives in Madrid at 22:13. The add-on is available for you to travel with your dog (weighing up to 40 kg) any day of the week.