Aix-en-Provence: fragrance and flavour. Visiting the city's markets

Everyone knows that Provence is a paradise of lavender and other flower and plant varieties. If you haven't visited Provence yet, Renfe has the train to take you to the very heart of this piece of heaven on earth. Hop on Renfe's AVE (high-speed) France trains,  AVE (high-speed) International travelling between Spain and France Madrid, Zaragoza, Tarragona, Barcelona, Girona or Figueres and travel to Aix-en-Provence. What are you waiting for?

Aix-en-Provence's markets

Here is a special section on Aix-en-Provence's markets. We have already talked about its lavender fields ​so we would now like to talk about its intense flavours

Provence has a warm climate, which greatly benefits farmers. That is why you simply cannot miss its markets and enjoy the colours of its stalls and products, in addition to the quite amusing and cheerful canopies. The nice smell of cheese, tomatoes and other local products are a true delight. Each of the markets described below have quite a lively atmosphere. 

It doesn't matter what time of the year you visit Aix-en-Provence, because there are markets open all year round. The Fish Market is open on Monday, close to Pl. Richelme, in the centre of the historic district of Aix, under the pleasant shade of the banana trees.  

Market in Place Richelme

Sellers display their beautiful tomatoes, tender lettuce, bell peppers, melons, peaches, cheeses, cold meats and olives. You can also find fresh fish stalls, thanks to the proximity to the sea and the magnificent port of Marseille. If you are staying in a flat, you can go shopping and buy your supplies for a few days. And if you are staying at a hotel, you can improvise a picnic to taste the local products.   

There are another two food markets held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at Place Verdun and Place des Prêcheurs. They are very close to each other so you can visit them on the same day. Fill your basket with delicatessens and then enjoy the experience of visiting the flower markets.  


Flower a antiques markets in Aix-en-Provence

Flowers make the elegant and restrained building of the clock tower at Place de l´Hôtel de Ville even more beautiful on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. And you can also visit and enjoy Place de Prêcheurs on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. A fifteenth century fountain crowned by an obelisk stands in the centre of this square. In fact, Aix is the city of fountains.  

We leave the craft and antique markets for the end, were you will surely find a small gift for your family and friends. These markets are open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Set off to discover them! 

You can find clothes and textile products at Cours Mirabeau, many of which use local fabrics and traditional prints. Similarly, artisans show their work at rue Thiers. And you can't leave without seeing some of the many Vide-greniers organised at Aix and the surrounding towns for lovers of the ancient and curious. 

Travel by train to Aix-en-Provence

Walking through Aix-en-Provence means discovering its open-air markets, the squares where these markets are held, the buildings, characteristic for their yellowish stones, the centennial banana trees and the elegant fountains across the city. Can't wait to plan a getaway to Aix-en-Provence? We take you there in a comfortable and sustainable way on our Alta Velocidad (high-speed) International trains.

Have you chosen the destination of your next cultural visit? You can continue discovering and enjoying other French cities connected by our AVE (high-speed) France trains, such as Avignon, Marcella, Nîmes, ​Béziers or Lyon; always from city centre to city centre.​​ 

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